I remember vividly the day I applied for this job, seven years ago. Ms. Kim and Pak Yo later interviewed me in an apartment in Taman Anggrek. When Ecomobi Indonesia was founded, the team was still small and we had less than ten people working on that same apartment.
Comparing today and looking back so far, I think both the company and I have grown so much together. Ecomobi had just about 20 people worldwide back in 2017. Now, we’re a team of 150, around the world. Looking back on this journey, I can see how much I’ve developed, both professionally and personally.
When I think back, I ask myself quite a lot: what has made this growth? Then several things comes up instantly in my mind.
One of the most impactful have been the support and guidance from my leaders. Whenever something goes wrong, they never look to point fingers, but instead we try to solve it together. This is a more honest, accountable version of freedom, a space where we are empowered to take responsibility without fear. They also make a real effort in the career development of their team. Their encoouragement drives me to continue improving and never be complacent in our work. Thats the kind of leadership I hope to apply someday : a leader who nurture their team’s growth, and also someone who supports others like I have been supported. As a gratitude id like to pass it forward their kindess to the other.
Besides that, our CEO said a quote that stuck with me and taught me something: “Make new mistakes every day” he says. At first, it felt out of the box, yet later for me it’s an important reminder to embrace the fear of trying new things and learning by doing. And that making mistakes isn’t something to fear of. Instead, it’s an essential part of growing. Even its not being said, I know that it only applied for the new mistake, as we can’t afford the same mistake twice :
)). This mindset has encourage me to be brave enough to go out and get out of my bubble, to try new things, to expand my comfort zone.
I read somewhere that if Mondays don’t excite you, you should find a new job. Fortunately, I’ve rarely felt this way while working at Ecomobi. I oftenly heading to the office with a light heart, thanks to the supportive and collaborative atmosphere created by the team. That makes me believe that everything will gonna be okay. Even when we were in the war-time, the positive environment make me feel those hard period was easier to deal with than I imagined before.
I think those things are the main factor that aspire me to never stop growing as a person and embrace challenges, all while making a meaningful impact on our company as we embark on a new stage of growth. As I look back on these seven years, I am grateful for the opportunities, challenges, and support that have helped me become who I am today. Ecomobi has not just been a workplace, it’s been a place to grow, learn and be inspired, and for that I am very grateful to be part of it.