Each profession has different competencies from one another. Professional certification aims to ensure that every person who has a profession can play a role in accordance with the rules and provide optimal strategies according to the situation in their workplace. Human Resources as a profession has been regulated in the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Manpower Decree No. 115 of 2022 concerning the implementation of mandatory work competency certification for workers in the field of human resource management. This certification has competencies that have been implemented nationally.

Certification is carried out with the aim of ensuring that existing manpower can compete in global competition and meet industry demands. In human resource professional certification, there are several programs ranging from programs at office level to general manager level. The stages carried out start from training to the assessment process. Likewise, quite a lot of training and assessment materials include:

 Preparing Job Descriptions

The process of preparing a job description will begin with identifying the position with the aim of getting an overview and expectations of the position holder, followed by collecting information about the position. Determining the components of the job description is needed starting from the name of the position, authority, to the qualifications and level of the position.

 Workload Analysis

The purpose of workload analysis is to evaluate the magnitude of a person’s duties and responsibilities. There are many methods that can be used to analyze workload, starting from the questionnaire method, interviews and direct observation. Workload analysis can be calculated by identifying tasks, determining time estimates, resources needed and the resulting workload.

 Determine work wages

Wage standards have been regulated by the government from the provincial level to the district level. In more detail, every company is currently required to have a wage scale. This aims to ensure that each employee gets rights according to the burden they receive. The wage scale can be adjusted to suit the company’s conditions with the provisions specified in Indonesian legislation.

 Manage succession programs

Efforts to develop employee potential must be made in order to prepare reliable human power to fill positions within the Company. This is also an anticipatory effort that is important to do to prevent certain positions within the Company from becoming vacant. More effective recruitment, increased performance and reduced turn over rates are expected from this program.

 Develop a remuneration system

It is hoped that a good remuneration system will provide quality improvement and maintain productive employees. Remuneration can take the form of compensation, bonuses, salaries or wages. The amount of remuneration provided by a company will be influenced by many factors such as company conditions or standards, class, abilities and achievements of employees.

The points above are only a few of the many other points that become competencies in human resource certification training and assessment. This is also influenced by the level chosen, starting from officer level to M level. Likewise, training and assessment for other positions will have different competency points which can be adjusted to the needs and expectations of the position.

Article source: created as a resume of the results of the human resource position certification (BNSP)

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