Giới thiệu về laravel observer

I. TỔNG QUAN II. NỘI DUNG Các setup để có thể theo dõi 1 model Trong file này ta có thể làm các nghiệp vụ như log activity của người dùng khi cần với từng sự kiện, trong $product thì... Read more

Affiliate Marketing in the Philippines

Before we go into the topic, let us first define Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy in which creators, influencers, and entrepreneurs earn money by promoting a product or service for a certain brand or seller. Now,... Read more

Why Ecomobi Ph?

About three months ago, I found myself among with the jobseekers challenging their fate to land a job that will help them sustain their daily living. It was then a very tough days for me finding a company that suits... Read more

Life at Ecomobi as New Employee

Starting my journey as a Social Seller Optimizer at Ecomobi has been an incredibly rewarding experience. From day one, the PH team and my coworkers have been exceptionally supportive, making the transition smooth and enjoyable. Their willingness to help and... Read more